Qi of Water

January 12, 2021

– March 16, 2021

About the exhibition

(Chi – life flow/energy)

This year we celebrate the entrance of the new year – the year of the OX and metal. According to Fung Shui Masters this combination means that it will be another year in which we will face obstacles early on – with a remedy. Water. According to Feng Shui, water is the element to compliment and pacify a metal element. Create a calm, easier flow throughout these turbulent times. 

Water is also connected to the planet Moon. 

Water is one of the most essential of all elements: all life, all existence and all energy is governed, influenced and dependent on water. As such, water’s vitality has never been more obvious. 

In a poignant and immersive experience, the AGM explores the Yin (quiet energy) of water, its peaceful flowing nature that breathes life into each and every being. Through the eyes of the Moon, we look at the beauty of our seas, the undiscovered mysteries of the deep oceans, and the preservation of this life-giving indispensable resource.  

Our exhibit: The Qi of Water converts the AGM into a community space where one can seek refuge from the world, absorb the calming energy of water, take respite, observe mindfulness and learn about the importance of preserving our water sources. 

Featured in this collective exhibit are Canadian Artist Laura Beaton, Huan Chen and featuring main artist XiaoJing Yan.

Curated by house curator Dev Ramsumair

Virtual Exhibition Tour


The Art Gallery of Mississauga wishes to thank the following funders for their generous support:

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