border crossings


border crossings Showcase is on view at the AGM from March 28th – June 16th, 2019

Project Lead: Sharada Eswar. Developed in collaboration with and featuring the work of the Mississauga communities

Borders are both physical places, marked by barriers in the form of walls or coasts, and imaginary ones, indicated only by lines on a map, or places in our hearts. They are paradoxical, in that they both connect and divide. But they are, first and foremost, stories. Stories of changes in perspective – physical, psychological and ideological. Recognizing and sharing these border crossings allows us to see ourselves and others differently. Instead of groups of people separated by arbitrary distinctions, we are all individuals who experience pivotal moments of change that shape the contours of the narratives of our lives.

border crossings: creating parallel histories is an interactive community engaged arts project that uses the transformative power of art to challenge preconceived ideas around both literal and metaphorical boundaries. Visitors are invited to share their stories and experiences with crossing borders – geographical, linguistic, spiritual and personal. Through creativity and collaboration, we can recognize and respect the struggles that are a part of many border crossings, and learn to appreciate that sometimes the most incredible creativity lies at the edges of things.

border crossings: creating parallel histories is an Art Gallery of Mississauga initiative, generously funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Please check out the events page for more information on upcoming workshops and how to get involved!
